The thing that annoys me is armies with no wizards can roll for the winds of magic in their turns and dispel remains in play spells, Stupid lawery...
This thread has veered wildly off course, I run a lone slaan in big games, a scar vet/ old one in little ones, Personally I like the new movement...
Um no, page 496, lore of life, Direct quote It does not change the effects of spells that are already been cast
Um,,,, no, Halbards are +1 strength, And they also require two hands, So in combat you have a 4+ save and S5 Against shooting or magic you can...
Make it a bog standard breath weapon then, 50 points, Razordons, D6 HITS per phase. 2D6 as a stand and shoot,
No lookout sir if he's on a mount though, Still, chief with light armour, cold one and hw/s looks tasty, Though on a terra don with a bsb might...
I find it amusing hearing all of you saying saurus need a boost, I was talking to Nick Bayton the other day, and he said that at HQ all core...
That's right, the war hammer FAQ towards the bottom, Say you can target friendlies with vortexes but not direct damages, So if you want to cast...
Yup, it's on the bottom of the heroes page, under"battle standard bearer" Which would make it page,,, 92-93? Ish
Hmmm, Level 2 on a stegadon with the plaque of tepok, maybe a decent ward save, 2 units of 3 krox 30 skinks, 2 units of 8 chameleon skinks 2...
How many points? At 1k you'd be ok with just skinks, At 2 k I want a slaan at the very least,,,,
Quite right, It wasn't in the last edition either, Serious edition hangover there :D
Actually an old blood setup I use, Amulet of quetzal? The -1 to hit one And the glittering armor, also -1 to hit, At best you looking at 5's to...
To be honest I doubt it, Good tarpit unit, but no real killyness, Should be steadfast all game though, The krox don't add that much to the points...
Really any kind of variation works well. I've always thought hordes especially benefit from multiple banners in the rear ranks, breaks up the...
Anything that ranks up really, Skinks and krox springs to mind, would love to see a big type front rank diorama, Using the big screaming bell...
People use them in gaming all the time, usually on weak troops that die fast. Basically, insert a larger base into your units, much like the krox...
Magic resistance isn't stackable, you always use the highest available
Um,,, it's a magic weapon,,,,, should be on page 99 in the lizard man book,
1's always fail, so a lone Slan gains no benefit from having both, If you have 2 slaan, one can take the shield and one the mr3 Mr3 is awsome in...