:p I've only just seen this thread, Umm,, I'd drop the 20 skinks and take chameleons,
Shields grant you +1 to your save, Having a hand weapon as well gives you a 6+ ward save
7x3 does 21 attacks, 10.5 hit, 5.25 wound, 1.75 are saved, 3.5 dead. 5x4 does 20 attacks, 10 hit, 5 wound, 1.66 are saved, .55 are parried, 2.7...
I'm afraid you have the parries the wrong way around, the hws saurus get e parry, not your spears. Ahh my bad, I see what you did there
Yes, Exactly,
Ok, well, our troops are better than his troops yes? So why give him the benefit of extra attacks, Since saurus only have 2 attacks in the front...
See I checked after you said that, and no, if you had a unit 5x4 and you lose 5 you have 5 x3 or two complete ranks If I have 7x3 and lose 2 I...
If you have a unit of saurus 5 wide and let's say 4deep, I have a frontage of 7 and 3 deep, I get 21 attacks with hw/shield You get 15 with hw...
Hmmm this confused me in the new brb, Nowhere can I find a rule that says you can only have one arcane item,,,,, It's not in the army book either,...
If your facing an Orc boy horde 10 wide, deploy 10 wide, If your facing skaven 5 wide, then deploy 6 wide, Don't lock yourself into one formation...
The lizzardman FAQ has the answer, http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1310257a_FAQ_Lizardmen_2010_v11.pdf Last page,
Saurus are right up there as one of the most expensive troops you want to horde, However, they are pretty hard, Against lesser troops, you know a...
The vampire one does say it's raised with it's initial war gear, but the lack of banner raising makes me think no, Have to wait see if they FAQ it
Am I invisible? :p Page 74 the " requires 2 hands" special rule, States you can use a shield against shooting even if armed with a 2 handed weapon
Ahaa. You've fallen for my trap, Dwarven cannons are 99.999% flaming magical cannons of death, So no regen, Against a combatty army though I'd...
Let's see,,,, the requires 2 hands special rule.,,, page 70 something, I think its74/75 Clearly says yup can use a shield against magic and...
I see your 18 krox and I raise you, hmmm, 2 dwarven cannons, you probablywont charge Let's assume both hit first turn, that's 6 krox hit, 5...
No, simple because it would be 200 pounds :)
You don't play dwarves often then huh,,,, Magic cannonballs ftw.
I find it depends on the amount of dispelling the other army has, I'd rather save the cup for a turn when i don't have the throne, than use the...