Saurus have a 5+ scaly skin, for a 4+ save in combat, with a 6++ ward if they don't have spears, Temple guard have light armor and a 5+ scaly...
Fire is a lot of fun, My slaan doesn't get to kill many things any more, Occasionally, especially when faced with a rather mean unit of minotaurs...
Entirely my fault, I was on CoR mount defense, No terra dons don't cause fear but they can still beat most war machine crews in combat.
Page 74? regeneration rules, First paragraph Quote"INSTEAD (emphasis mine) of a ward save
Well the drop rocks is bad against war machines, Javs rant bad, but you need loads, In combat however, They cause fear, have two attacks each,...
actually warriors would have been the best bet, as long as they go easy on the weird stuff, Norsemen have been in lustria for years, a marauder...
I run it 3x2 so it not to bad, The problem I've found is that even if all 3 make it to the enemy neither their drop rocks or their attacks are...
Hedges are only dangerous to cavalry Pg 122 or 112 in the brb, I can't remember which
Dwarf cannons are magical if equipped with runes, and who doesn't? However you do have a 4 ++ basic from the chair, Also beware woodelves with the...
There is a bit in the brb Page 34 second column He causes irriristables but not miscasts, He is actually pretty cool now,
I like it, although only having 2 blocks might hurt in certain senarios, I'd also be temped to take fire instead of life, since you won't be using...
I have to say, for stegs I follow the imperial guards tank philosophy, One is bad, two is good, 3 is better, You need to spam targets, With just...
On the outside probably the least cheesiest list ever to enter the GT,but it's currently unbeaten Looking for some tweaks and advice Slan 275...
You don't have to kill it, just knock off 3/4 wounds, To that end, carny would do, only need one wound, yes it's 6's to wound but you only need...
By taking a slan with life, or just taking as many skinks as god,
I'm liking glittering scales from the BrB -1 to hit in combat, With the dawnstone? Rerolling armor saves, So cold one, great weapon light armor,...
I just played the dwarf anti magic army of doom It wasn't to bad, until we realized he could use POWER dice in his turn to dispel remains in play...
Is the stank still immune to poison?
Yes it does work, they do need some magical assistance if you want them to take anything really scary though, Against khorneate warriors with xhw...
Yes, the part where they can, Skirmishing skinks cannot take any command bar the brave But cohorts can take the full 3 for a very reasonable price...