Quite simple. Once the dice have been rolled, point at one and say: "I'll add 1 to this one" or "I'll subtract 1 from this one". EDIT: Sorry,...
Thanks a lot. This makes Bloodroar a pretty nifty ability against units of big multi-Wound models such as Dracothian Guard, Varanguard,...
The Carnosaur's Bloodroar rule is worded as follows: If your opponent takes a battleshock test for a unit within 8" of any Carnosaurs, roll a...
Meh, that's really lame. I like imagining stories about the armies I play, and that's hard to do if they're being portrayed as automatons who only...
In the old continuity, the Lizardmen had a whole Aztec-like civilization in Lustria. They built cities. They had scribes, scholars and artisans....
Hi everyone! I am 100% a lizard, like you, and not a squishy warmblood in an ill-fitting scaly suit and cheap dentures. Brrr, how my blood is...