That was FAQ'd out. It can be hit by spells that dont have a strength value... Also dont completely knock lore of metal... It has a few nice spells.
From personal experience I hate running dual slann. They both can use an entire dice pool by themselves, A tooled up combat old blood would...
Lizardmen are pretty horrible at low point games.... keep trying tho!
I still like the elite saurus thing, also really wouldnt mind kroxigors going down in price to like 40-45 ppm.
Toying with taking one of these two lists to the next GT i am going to in 2 months, want to get plenty of testing in this time. First one....
I would like elite infantry that arent crazy overcosted because of how the interact with a slaan. Something like Saurus Elite WS4 Str 4 T4 A2...
Despite fluff and what not, RaW the slann can be sent to the back for refusing a challenge.
Meh trying to get a big spell off, especially with becalming, no 6's make it a lot harder.
It specifially says in the high elf army book that you must still meet the casting value of the spell and roll a double for it to be undispellable.
A souped up kroxigor available as a mount to a skink chief. Razordons doing D6 automatic hits, instead of the artillary dice then roll to hit. A...
I would add the other lore tactics as you can, I have played a bunch of games with life and honestly, i dont like it that much. I rarely get...
Best of luck to your friend and his recovery. Also make sure you take what should be taken away from this... Never drink and drive. Never let...
I love my skirmishing skinks. My 5 chameleons had a giant down on turn 2!!!
Ok got a few games of 8th under my belt, heres a few things ive learned. (these are my opinions) Lore of life is overrated. I have really not...
Put a unit of skink skirmishers between the wheel and the steg. It has to shoot at the closest thing within 18 inches (this includes his units...
Im really liking that forbidden rod, lets you have an extremely devastating magic phase, especially if you roll really low on the power/dispell...
My only problem with the ixti grubs is they are an arcane item, and 99.9999% of the time i would rather have cupped hands on my expensive slann.
Meh tailoring lists is dumb imo... Nothing wrong with making a list strong against someone... However building a counter list....
Yeah RaW i think the slann is now perfectly legal for a challenge, which kind of sucks... Theres a reason why my TG unit runs an old blood and...
Frenzy is one extra attack, not double. Also the kroxes would still only get 3 attacks, thats the max supporting attacks you can get. Hatred...