Not really anymore since an army can restrain a charge with a ld test. and it would be rerollable with that bsb in there.
Yeah i run 2 units of 5 cham skins for war machine hunting.... First turn they both at an anvil warth and ruin and got wiped out... Yay no LoS...
Slann with life BSB-Razor Standard Mystery, Rumination, Becalming Cupped hands 490 Old-Blood Armor of eternity Shield Sword of strife Luckstone...
dwarves, with magic shutdown lists.... Slann cant get anything off....
gah could of sworn it did!!! Stupid rumor threads still mixing me up.... Yeah that makes them less useful, course you can try to get them to WS1...
Mounted scar vet in a unit of CoC with the Haunchis totem moves base+3d6 (drop the lowest)+1d6... Up to a 25 inch charge range with 16+ inches...
Meh i played a game against a dwarf player... Had the +2 to dispells and dispells all RiP spells withing 12 inches. Had +5 dispel dice base PLUS...
Yeah i ran 2 units of 6 in one of my last games, think each unit made back double its points at least...
This is a great point. Skink skirmishers are incredibly mobile, with free reform and what not the no more 360LoS is a non factor. The only issue...
My 2 units of 10 skinks killed WELL over their points in my 8th games, so much so that my opponents have started hitting them hard with shooting....
whelp owned by the BRB Faq... no special rules on stomps.. pity, that made it worth the points.
Its a panic check, not a fear test. So they arent immune.
So i just picked up my new lizards and noticed something when someone mentioned it on another forum! There is no where in the rules that say a...