I played my first game last weekend with the new Lizardmen book and it was going great . . .until I got to my opponents swordmasters. They had a...
Lords: Slann Mage Priest, Soul of Stone, Becalming Cognitation, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, Channeling Staff, Dispel Scroll, BSB...
Take lore of shadows against gun lines. So far I am 3 for 3 sniping steam tanks with pit of shades and having them instantly die. It also works...
Where is the info for the banner of bloodlust?
It looks better. From my own experience I would go with spears for all my saurus because with the step rule you still can get your full number of...
The main reason for javlins over blowpipes is that most of the time I will be only firing one shot with the the blowpipes or else I will be...
Hi everyone. 'Ard Boyz is coming up and I am in need of some helpful advice. There are only two armies that I know will be some trouble in 'ard...
I would personally drop the Blood Statuette, 5 of the skink skirmishers, and try for 2 units of 24 saurus warriors. I would definitely put points...
Hi everybody, this is just a list I would only use for 'ard boyz because I could never imagine using 2 Slann in a friendly game this size. I will...
Well I am glad people like sharing battle lessons. I never thought about forests breaking up steadfast or terradons needing to face the correct...
Hi everybody, I was wondering if a Slann in a TG unit was allowed to cast The Penumbral Pendulum and the Purple Sun of Xereus? Both spells require...
Hello everyone. I have been looking through all of the posts and I think it would be great if there was a thread where Lizardmen players could go...
Hi everybody, this is my first attempt at a 3k list since 8th came out. I have had a lot of success with my 2250 point list and I simply added to...
I would only take two units of skink skirmishers, drop both ancient stegs, drop the terradons, and both special characters. Take another unit of...
Hi everyone. With the new Battle Standard rules that allow units to reroll all leadership tests, I was wondering if anyone knew if that would...
I personally believe a bigger list is needed to justify Chakax's point cost.
Hi everybody, I have a 2250 point list that I wrote up for 8th edition and would like to know what everyone thinks. I have played one game...