High Queen Khalida: [img] [img]
I finished a High Queen Khalida for a Tomb Kings army that a friend of mine is working on. I've done a couple of pieces for him and now her. I...
I agree with Crowsfoot. Bone spikes. I usually paint my "bone parts" with GWs Baneblade Brown, then wash it with Agrax Earthshade (letting it pool...
Lol, I found myself mouthing this out. I probably looked ridiculous!
Lol, I don't even know how to pronounce that! :p
Yeah, it's a Hochland Long Rifle. Used for sniping characters out of units.
I trust in your painting abilities, Aginor. That's not was he was referring to.
I finished an Empire Handgunner Captain for a friend as a "happy". Pics in my thread.
I finished up painting a "little happy" for a friend. Just because I felt like it. Empire Nuln Handgunner Captain / Engineer /...
................... Not all of us want to see that....
Oh, yeah. I am a HUGE fan of drybrushing and washing. I really need to pick up wet blending, but I get started with a project I want to make...
Now, we're all expecting to be able to see the dirt under-their-fingernails level of detail! On every one......:p I have 60 of those Saurus...
Very cool! Great job!
This is interesting! I haven't thought about Marble! As soon as I wrote that, I started getting excited about that potential...
Sweet! They look great! And with movement tray to boot!
Well, I have a really good method for painting bone horns, I'm just not totally sure if I want them to have the "bone" look, or a "stone" look, or...
Yeah, I've done one of these Thundertusks before (it's on page 11 in this thread), but I just don't know if that's the way I should take it. I...
Gotcha! I've seen those HUNDREDS of times, but I never know that he was the one who sculpted them! Too cool! It's like having our own...
Do you have a link for where to order his stuff?
Lol, I know, right? I'm still tossing around ideas in my mind about how to approach them. They are so very prominent. I'll certainly take any...