Here's my WIP on the Thundertusk that's underway. (You can also see the second Hunter that I'm working on as well, in the background.) [img]
I finished the first of two Ogre Hunters! I also got the Thundertusk assembled and primed!
Well, I finished painting #1 of two Hunters (on foot). I still need to finish his base, but I want to finish painting a few other models first...
Thanks, guys! That's high praise! :D Yeah, I learned pretty early on with my painting, that if you're attempting to create an "icy feel" to a...
The snow is really quite simple. I used Gale Force 9 snow product, poured some of it in a small, plastic, throw-away cup (I found a package of...
Stonehorn done.
Stonehorn finished! Let me know what you think! [img] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I should have my Stonehorn done tonight and have pics up here tomorrow.
I nearly completed my Stonehorn last night. Just a few finishing touches and it should be done. Hopefully, I'll be able to do that tonight and...
No problem! I base coated them with Baleor Brown (SP?), then used a wash of Agrax Earthshade, then a drybrush of a green of my choice (the...
Nice job so far!
Y'all need to stop talking and get to painting!
Thanks, guys! So glad you like them!
Just a little update on my progress: Here's what I got for this month: Finish a Miner unit filler. Assemble and paint 10 Irondrakes *DONE* Paint...
I did! They took out two charging units of Dire Wolf's and ALMOST the unit of 2 Fell Bats! They actually performed quite nicely. I had a second...
Oh, yeah. Me too! I just wish it hadn't died to a single Fell Bat in my game this past weekend....:(
I did some more work on my Dwarf War Machines this weekend. They needed tying into my army themes (and some of them just needed painting!) and...
Well, another reason I went with a darker, earth-tone pallete, is due to the fact that most of my other armies have bright, vivid blues and other...