Even such a staunch supporter of 8th edition as me, has to admit, any world without the ancient Tomb Kings is...dead? Lol. Love the idea of...
Well, I'm very close to being finished with this unit. I only have a few gold trim pieces left to go. It'll be good enough for my game tomorrow!...
AoS could totally bring her in as well, if they wanted to. She was supposed to be the incarnation of the Asp Goddess, Asaph, and her "ending" in...
One of the members over on EEFL recently had a 10,000 point game between Empire and WoC. It looked quite entertaining, but when you got down to...
I ordered from them (20 Teutonic Guard) and it took about 1 month to arrive. I was expecting something like that. I live in Mississippi, so not...
Actually pretty much the same either way. SoM rules would allow for 4D6 roll on the winds of magic with the defender taking the highest two total.
If we did, it'd be something along the lines of Storm of Magic.
You kidding? I'm playing Dwarfs! Heck no!
We have the whole weekend blocked out for it and our wives will be communing and watching the kids for us. The only thing we're slated to do is...
This weekend at least our main game will be 5000 points of Dwarfs vs Vampire Counts! We're going to try and fit in a second, 2500 point game with...
Yeah, we play 8th.
You don't get it?
Yup. Don't scratch the paint job!
Stick with Unicorns. Unicorns always work.
Well, I have good motivation. I have a game coming up Saturday and I'll be using this unit.
That's too cool. I might just have to incorporate it into my Dwarf army.
Awesome! Thanks, Nightbringer! Here's some more progress: [img] I'll try finishing them up tonight.