Yeah, that's kinda what I was going for. I wanted to stick to earth tones (seeing as how they mostly dwell in the earth) as much as possible, as...
My Irondrakes are primed and I have the unit champ painted. Just 9 more to go! [img] [img] [img]
It's not the layout that makes a forum, it's the community. That's one reason I like it there as well as here. These are the two forums that I...
I think that some of the 9th age guys must've started it. It seems to jive with what they are doing.
I bought 20 of their Teutonic Guard (to round out my Teutogen Guard for my Middenheim army). They were of good quality, though there was some...
Sure, I'll jump in on this too! (Especially since I run this same thing over on EEFL.) Here's what I got for this month: Finish a Miner unit...
They do have the bling (Runes)! :p
Lol, Stunties aren't very tall, they have to stand out somehow!
Phenomenal work! Love the little details like the skink hand prints on his belly! I can just imagine the Skink Priests coming up and rubbing his...
I like my Shorties. There's still a good bit of it in the box behind them. I just snapped this one to send to a friend as motivation for a game...
Here's a quick pic I took the other day when I had most of my Dwarf stuff laid out. It's not everything, but most of it. I need to take updated,...
Lol, not enough! I've been collecting a LONG time and much of this stuff comes from piles I have set back for rainy days. I'm also constantly...
Lol, not surprising. He's moving too fast for the eye to follow!
Lol, or that he'll sap their enemies, speed! -That's why the Runes of Slowness work!
Haha! You know how Dwarfs are with their large state carvings! (I have a bunch of Super Hero statues. That's just one I keep on my desk.)
I've been working on a few Dwarfs. Here are 10 more Irondrakes that I'm adding to the 10 that I've already got painted up. Not a bad unit!...
I don't mind this discussion at all. Sorry for the late reply, ravagekitteh, but I'm out of town on a vacation and been quite busy. The Archway...
It looks to me like a blueish-green base coat, followed but drybrushing Ustabi Bone, Ratkin Flesh, and possibly Ulthuan Grey if you want a touch...
The equivalent to kicking the table over when I start losing? "I am now enacting Dwellers Bellow..." [IMG]
I've considered it. But probably something that can clip onto the edge so that they can easily be removed. Everything I've seen has all been...