Ask and ye shall receive! I finished with the end pieces last night. I won't be able to work on it anymore for several days, since I'll be going...
I think my wife would WELCOME a long respite from keeping the kids! Lol! And don't worry. I have PLENTY of practice orcs waiting in the wings!...
Lol, her birthday was the 16th of this month, and I got her a new, top-o-d-line sewing machine. She was over the moon happy! I was...
I've been considering making a couple of fold-down legs that can add more support and bracing if the top does somehow manage to slide off the...
Lol, you bet! But anything helps. And since they'll be big enough, so soon, to climb up in a chair and lean on the table top, I want it to be...
Lol, that's mostly my wife's fabric stuff. Her hobby is sewing.
Simple, effective, elegant. That's what I'm going for. As you can see, there's not a tremendous amount of space on either side of the table...
Haha, yeah, I bet that'd get rather cluttered quickly! But still a good idea though.
Thanks, guys! This certainly makes me feel much better about it! If I ever have to replace the arm, I'm pretty sure that I know which bit I'll...
I really like 'em too. They are one of the reasons HE were the second army that I started collecting. I admittedly, lost his sword arm a...
I finished this High Elf Prince (on foot) this weekend. I dropped him and broke his sword blade midway right as I was putting the finishing...
I think it's GW's way of forcing you to buy certain models. They can "distribute the wealth" that way. They are in the business of selling...
It's really not as bad as some other's I've put together. (Mortis Engine has to be one of the worst.) The model itself is rather sturdy. The...
Thanks! I base coated it with Dryad Bark, then drybrushed with Gothor Brown (sp?). Haha, yup! That's the female Ogre model. I wanted to make...
3 Maneaters: [img]
Gale Force 9 I think?
Just finished a Hunter on Rhinox and two Sabertusks. I and my friends have "house ruled" that an Ogre Hunter can take a Rhinox as a mount for 55...
Yup! They live high among some of the tallest peaks of the Mountains of Mourn, seldom stirring out of their hibernation-state, but when they...
Thanks, Warden! That's some high praise!
Thanks! I'm going for something a tad different. I'm really enjoying these guys though!