Here's the Firebelly that I have finished as well. I hope you like him! [img] [img] [img] [img]
Thanks, guys!
I finished my Ogre BSB! Took long enough... Super-glad to have this one done though! [img] [img] [img]
Thanks, Warden! It's not a kit bash, but rather, a GameZone miniature. They've got some really great models, including some "different" Cold...
Yeah, they're paints. They work best over another base color though. Think glaze.
I finished a Dark Elf BSB. I'm rather pleased with this model since Dark Elves don't really have a dedicated Dark Elf model from GW. [img] [img]
FYI, I also got their metallic (gold) paint set and love them! The color variations are subtle enough from shade to shade that you can easily...
Yeah, I've got them. They are a tad thin, but they coat really well. I've found that they work best over a black primer. I've tried some with...
The way I've best seen primer explained is that it creates a surface that your paints will bond to better than plastic. If you are using a dark...
Yeah! It's huge! And it's taking a LOT longer than I initially thought it would! Not quite sure that I like the giant skulls on the tower...
Yeah, if you don't shake up paint well before use, it can give your model a real "glossy" look that you may not want. (This is very apparent on...
I've been sick of late so my painting has been suffering as well, but I got this bad boy out and started throwing some paint on it. This is a BIG...
Lol! I suppose it's something like a Snake swallowing their food whole!
Being an 8th edition player, I can confirm that 50x100 is indeed the correct size for 8th.
Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Is there a head? Tail? Which way is it facing? I can appreciate trying to save money, but I think...
Lookin' good!
How long did those take you to put together?
Not a dumb question. I was wondering the same thing.
Finished the Skeleton Chariots! [img] [img] [img]