I love the Yellow-y Plague Bearers! They truly look sick to me! Don't touch!
12 here.
Tomb Kings rock. Period. These however are for Grandmasterwang over on EEFL. Part of our big trade.
Lol, I wish. Yeah the "Chicken Lips" name is just what my Dad would always tell me when I was young and would repeatedly ask "What can I eat?"...
My latest project, a couple of Skeleton Chariots for a friend. Still a WIP, but making good headway. [img]
That's where I live. You can see my house juuuuuust over there.....;)
That's an awesome project and tutorial!
Yeah, you have to be careful about the litter and make sure it's non absorbent, but that's not very difficult. It is a good size and varies from...
Something you could also us and is around the size you describe, is kitty litter. If you (or a friend) has a cat, just borrow a little cup of it....
Thanks! Yeah, I didn't want to just make all that stuff dripping off her to look like blood (as most Google images show), but rather, like...
Finished my Medusa! [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Yeah, I saw that teaser video of them! They look very cool! I really like the new Morathi model. She seems like a combination of her and...
I'm working on a couple of projects. 2nd unit of Sisters of Avelorn: [img] Dark Elf Medusa: [img] Putting together an old unit of Silver...
Do you have pics that you could post? Sounds like you are working in reverse order from what I usually do, moving from light blue to dark(er) blue.
Making more progress on my unit of Teutogen Guard! [img] [img] [img]
Lol, you should definitely (not ) buy the one product that can kick your hobby to the next level and make you a happier, more productive,...
If you do get one of each of these, Aginor, you should do a YouTube comparison of all of them! That'd be super useful!
That one looks to be much more labor intensive to me. The GW one is spring loaded so all you have to do is literally spread the grips and pop it...
I love mine. It fits my hand well and prevents my hand from cramping after spending hours painting and holding it. It also keeps me focused on...
I have a Paashe compressor that I got for Christmas. That thing is super quiet! I have it sitting on the floor under my desk and the first time...