Hey Guys, Been a looong time since I posted on these forums but I'm back and ready to show the glory of Seraphon. Have a big event coming up in a...
Skinks make their own attacks using their own ws, int and Str. Bastillodon makes his attacks using his own ws ini and str. when the bastillodon is...
Stegadons (preferably ancients) with sharpened horns Scarvet cowboys with GWs or halberd w/ potion of strength or 1+ rerollable/ stegadon helm to...
I recently played a in a tournament against an empire player who had one stank and two units of 4 demi gryphs, a war alter, 3 light wizards (yay...
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of battle reports for the last while, I should be back up and running this week. To tide you over I went to a 4 game...
Thanks for the encouragement guys, sorry I haven't had time to make any new reports in a while. I hope to remedy this in the next week or two so...
where/when is this team tournament?
Thanks Eladimir!! Blood in the Snow and Battle of the Beasts are out, but I'm hoping to travel down for March Madness and then there's Onslaught...
Wow high praise indeed, thank you very much Thundercake!!
New report is up. Hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grcf74Gf--s
New BatRep is up, a 2400pt game featuring a flying oldblood and skink chief on steg. Hope you enjoy. As always your comments are most appreciated...
Yeah I'd be surprised if you didnt get them by OOtB. Unfortunately I wont be able to go but I might see you at onsalught in a couple of months?...
Ive actually been running a death slann in a skirmisher bunker for my last few games and I love it. Give him cupped hands, loremaster, rumination...
Yup got them yesterday. Im in edmonton
Dice arrived today they look great!! thanks a ton ChandlerGriz!!
New report 2000pts vs Empire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmTeI7KvH7k&feature=youtube_gdata Enjoy
New report is up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GGN8TVHGis&feature=youtube_gdata Enjoy!!
A sneaky trick is to use Sivjer's Hex Scroll. The Keeper and GUO start off lvl 1 which makes the scroll great and the LoC is a lvl 4 which still...
Thanks for the encouragement guys, it really makes it worthwhile. Sorry I havnt had up for a while I was away over the holidays. I should...
You are 100% correct thanks for pointing that out!! Glad your enjoying them!!