Hey Guys, so somewhere I got it into my head that if a Unit A charges Unit B which is defending an obstacle them Unit A doesnt get any charge...
Hey guys thanks for the comments! Yeah we knew ogres couldn't start in the tower but it was a fun friendly game so we said they could and he was...
Hi everyone!! So I had a great 2000pt game last night against Ogres playing the watch tower scenario. Have a read and please any comments or...
Yeah they just ended up in my way alot, in retrospect I should have tried just moving around them or dedicated more skink shooting to getting rid...
Thanks for that n810, so what are your thoughts on passing the miscast result to Teclis, does he ignore it or is intentionally miscasting to try...
I see, well either way I'm not sure it would have effected them game much but who knows, but now I know for next time thanks!!
Quite right about T7 but sea gueard have WS4 so they hit me on 3's not 4's with rerolls. It was definately the two characters which did the lions...
Thanks for the comments and feedback Caprasauridae much appreciated!! So with the cupped hands vs Teclis thing, I dont have the book on me so...
Hi Everyone, so this will be my first (of hopefully many) battle report. I had a 200pt game last night against a friend who's getting back into...
Thanks very much Stonecutter
Hi guys, I've seen people post that they give their priest a dawn stone to reroll his 2+ armour save when mounted on the EoTG but I cant find the...
Hi Guys, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster and I was hoping to get some advise on a list for a local upcoming tournament. I havn't been...