It could potentially be argued this way. I would never play it personally unless an FAQ comes out in support.
Did you put this on the chariot/monster base?
LM Army book p 52 Hmm does that override BRB p. 32 I foresee opponents having contention with this interpretation... Opponent: Haha! Lost...
How about this to help :D Left Newest plastic Saurus Oldblood, Middle Chakax, Right Gor'rok [attach]
Is there a way to attach a magnifying glass to focus the light enough to melt opposing enemies? If so I have a pesky Nurgle DP I would love for...
First of all what would you be looking good for this unit to accomplish? I could see it possibly working on a flank to clear chaff. But then look...
They don't redirect until you flee. So you declare flee and do it right away. Then they can redirect.
But it is still the same spell and has been said the new dwarf Rune stops the spell from being cast again. At no point does it actually force you...
Ah I see what you are getting at now... Yep that's a problem. FAQ?
First post updated to include the next 3 game tournament. Also moved to YouTube batreps! Let me know what you think!
In particular the relevant section is p. 52
I'm honoured!
I've got a thread in the Batreps section of the previous tournament but I didn't use rippers in this list...
For those interested...the Ripper's never got to the toad! But on another note 3 games, 2 massacres 1 major victory and I took 1st place.
Well the Slann is fine because it is a character and those rules can be found on p. 98 of the BRB under Different-Sized Bases section second...
The issue with this is why would your opponent let you charge his Big Expensive Flying Monster with M6 troops? In my last game against a Frost...
Hey Everyone, I am curious as to how/if you like to play up the psychological aspect of the Ripperdactyls. In particular I mean the psychological...
I am planning to make use of this tomorrow in a 3 game tournament!
Ahhhhh this is something I didn't know!
Haha you should take your own advise :P As mentioned above that ruling was overturned in the latest FAQ (same time as the no overrun through...