Was about to make the same posts. On the other hand we could discuss the virtues of stupidity! Never falling back due to failed terror tests,...
Page 55 of the Rulebook for Combat Reforms
Well that's the key with my use of skinks. Using the movement penalty to close with the range. I generally go for a surrounding tactic rather than...
I've been running only blow pipes since September, not that I think they are better but I just haven't tried javs yet. My main use was as...
I think you mean "can't" :P I did that the other day (minus the skavenpelt). What I really like about Saurus in a building is everyone can...
Hey Knight, I'm also working up my Saurus to have 2 hordes worth (50 spear 50 hw/s). In my last tournament I ran a 36 horde of TG and 30 Spear...
I hope no one was thinking that I thought the BoN were winning in 1 round. That's not what they do. So the Daemons take an Instability on a 7...
You're number for how much damage CoR do is off as Beasts of Nurgle are -1 to being hit. Beasts of Nurgle will win.
You say that bumping to 40 saurus doesn't matter at all but at that point your unit transforms from a sturdy block to a grinding wheel. It becomes...
Crazy luck against the Beasts and I assumed the knights would have been Inner Circle knights (because who the hell takes normal Knights when you...
Aesthetics and LoS for our Scar-Vet cowboys :(
Not a bad idea at all, but personally I enjoy using Wandering Deliberations on my Slann so I will continue putting him on a flank in the TG unit....
Being able to scout is still preferable to the skink skirmishers as scouting is more reliable I would say. I am curious what 4 wound cannon you...
Haha no problem. The niche I feel like the CoR fits is as a heavy anti-chaff unit. Similar to how I run a unit of 5 Knights of the Realm to deal...
He said 6 CoR with full command and spears => 234 points. 4 Beasts => 240 points
I think it would have taken a LOT of luck to even kill one Beast. Hitting on 4's (-1 due to Daemon of Nurgle) Wounding on 4s with a 4+ regen and...
There is a slight difference between tailoring a list and reading the local meta. I think that following the trend in meta is more reasonable than...
Anecdotal Evidence is great but crunching the numbers against the Beasts of Nurgle you should not have won that even assuming you got the charge...
Just a note: you only gain the reroll to wound when ASSAULTING a building not when defending. Temple Guard is the clear answer to holding a...
Interesting...you say your unit that cost over 770 points defeated a unit that was only 240 points? Hmmmm interesting interesting... Sarcasm...