The salamanders certainly won't be as useful as say against a horde of witch elves but I would definitely think about bringing some along if just...
Have a look at my Tournament batreps in the batrep section. I was able to get this combination off on several key combats over the tournament....
Miasma + Iceshard + Wyssans Temple Guard :D It worked wonders in my last tournament :D
Unfortunately this: "Q: Do units benefit from their General’s Inspiring Presence for the purposes of spells that use Leadership, such as Spirit...
The skink poison shots are definitely effective at taking out the "high" toughness low armor Ogres. To the suggestion of Ancient Stegadoning the...
Thanks, I hope you enjoyed the final Battle as well :D Thanks Overlord, I really do feel comfortable with the list it fits my counter punch...
January 25th, 2014 - 2000 point Tournament Game 3 The scenario and my list can once again be found in the original post about the Tournament....
January 25th, 2014 - 2000 point Tournament Game 2 Again the scenario for this battle can be found above as well as my list for this tournament....
The Slann can still be killing blowed and stomped. The stipulation is that the target is an infantry model (or cav for Killing Blow)
January 25th, 2014 - 2000 point Tournament Game 1. I won't repeat the full scenario information as it is posted in the previous post along with...
January 25th, 2014 - 3 Game Tournament 2000 Points. Scenarios and List So, I had a 3 game tournament this weekend with the Scenarios released a...
Reserved for T Saurus
Hello, Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I plan on using this thread to chronicle some games I have with my Lizardmen. I will be doing written...
The only real situation that I have encountered is not being able to take the Arabyan Carpet. I haven't looked into other situations beyond that....
Different groups play by different ways. In my core gaming group I own 4 armies and my opponents have only 1. My opponents always ask me what army...
In combat the skink can be targeted, he gains +1 to his armor save from being mounted. As for shooting you will need to randomize 1-4 monster 5-6...
The Slann can be stomped. The Palanquin rule states you are an infantry model but not "model on foot". The stomp and thunderstomp rules make no...
How about: Well this is over...: Have your Slann Dweller'd off the table top of Turn 1. Got that at my last tournament...
Just a comment. Regrowth cannot be used to heal characters or mounts.
Actually those odds are exactly what I think... Looking at a 7 dice phase theres potential to cast 3 spells on 2 dice and then a good chance to...