This was actually worded better in 7th, but still holds true in 8th. You can have and use a shield, but it is assumed you drop it in combat.
I'll try to post some pictures shortly, but I have a similar colour schema voor my cold ones. Undercoat black Overbrush Yanden Dark Sun Overbrush...
Duh, not a smart first reaction in this thread then, but at leas I can take a command group now :meh:
Hmm, Somehow my earlier post didn't get posted at all. The question I had was about the musician. AFAIK, Skinks (and therefore Skrox) cannot...
HI there from Aun Knorrie, a recent boarder myself.
Re: CONVERTED COLD ONE PICS UPDATED JULY 15th!! Painting WIP Nice conversion! Looks like you painstakingly resculpted the body to create smaller...
Hi Dinosaur, "Everybody" I know uses 5 wide and 3 or 4 deep. The reason is that it takes row of 5 width (or more) to claim a rankbonus.
Personally, I went the other way around. It so happened that I could buy a smallish (1000 pts) Lizardmen army second hand and I have build from...
Hai Wolfmage, Sorry I cannot help much, as the LIfestar idee is beyond me. As for your question, I personally dislike sinking significant...
Greetings, greetings, As I have just registred today, I thought it would be fitting to leave an introduction. I am Aun Knorrie, I am 43, father...