I always want to bring one.. but pick something else in the end.. I be sure to use one on my next match. Only have to convert one .. Hmmm
Dwarfs most of the time use hills..so LoS is most of the time not the issue for them.. If you throw the Slann in a skink unit you will slow down...
But you can't take Cupped Hands if you take the plague.. Also if you need a spell you don't want to risk rolling for then knowing a whole lore is...
Aha so now i get your question from "Discussion". You don't get to USE the lore you pick from the AC, that would be pretty damn neat.. You still...
I don't get this part.. You mean the Mage priest what kind of lore "we" pick or the skink priest? Which isn't allowed to take anything else but...
Before deployment would be pretty dumb.. Because you don't know what the opponent has until he has everything on table. Also the Bane Head says...
But you also want The Focussed Rumination.. Its too good to not pick it. You pay a lot of points.. but it is do-able against some armies i think.
Although the "new" krox doesn't really look fluff-wise right.. i still like it better than the one 'Rickard' made.. It is too slim, it doesn't...
Cheating with OP stuff.. thats a whole new level ;)
Welcomez to the Forumz! Looks like a pretty solid list.. a 2nd EotG putting some pressure on your opponent. Not sure about the cohorts.. but...
First of all welcome.. Some minor things.. Way too much points in your Slann and your Temple Guards. You don't need the Terror nor the Sun...
You pay those 50 pts to get the spell you need.. 5 dice and you dont get that one spell you needed (For example Pit of Shades from Lore of...
First.. thanks for comments! Well i sure hope i am not the only one that will bring Anti-War Machine units.. The VC will most probably bring his...
This Saturday i got a match versus a Dwarf (Again *Yawn*) But this time he brings 3000 points! And my ally is a Vampire Count (Me no like...
Just don't come up with Itzcoatl... that guy was way too good to get killed now in a miniature game :P
Terradon are way too useful.. Throwing rocks at some unit land behind them and throw some javelins..also holding/taking out war machines....
Isn't that a special rule for those skaven?
I still have to get mine some.. but i am afraid it will be lame since my whole army is started too look like some candy store.. something like.....
I learned it the hard way to bring Musician with me.. Being run over by skeletons because it won the tie.. No fun.. No fun i can tell you. I got...
I'd rather pick COR/Saurus for the same price at battles where i won't use a Slann. But I've seen some people here have another opinion about it.....