I must of read Arcane Configuration wrong, thought it allowed the Priest to pick any Lore at the start of the game. As to that statement about me...
I have yet to fail my stupidity test ;) .
Sadly Kroq-Gar only lets you count a single unit of Cold One Cavalry as Core. If it was allowed for all my Cavalry then yes I would throw away all...
I have always used 30 basic blowpipe Skink Skirmishers and they have never really failed me. I've never used Skink cohorts since I have plenty of...
I'm surprised no has mentioned giving the EotG's War Drum of Xahutec on this website, I find it very popular at my GW store. It makes the steg...
If you can afford it (and believe me it's well worth it) take an Enchanted Item War Drum of Xahutec for the EotGs. It gives the ability to weave...
This is my first topic onto this site so I'd like to say hi there. Here's a list I've been working on for awhile now and I thought why not post it...
The problem with shooting at certain units is that when you can only hit them on 6's and 4's your poison shooting attacks do not automatically...