Welcome! Always good to see someone else from the UK.
Many thanks Gary, all the best for the tournament! Do let me know how it goes. :)
That banner is.....incredible
Thanks so much for that feedback, even though this will be trial and error its a great starting point. I foresee a lot of batch painting in my future!
Hahaha yeah god what a state our land is in right now! I'm up in Aberdeen but we are blessed with having a latrge GW store. Wow and I've yet to...
Thanks! :)
Hello Comrades! So before even owning any miniatures I am already planning how I want mine to look as well as trying to picture what the end...
Hi Gary! Technically I am a Scott, but thanks for the warm welcome :) I Can't wait to get started, but doing the sensible thing and waiting for...
Going for the meow on this one!
This may sound cheesy but I'm afraid it was the first thing I thought of, and that's "The Scales of time"
New here and never had the pleasure to get aquainted, but I am sorry to hear of the difficulties life is throwing at you. Having went through a...
Thank you Imrahil
Hahahah, make sense and thanks for the message! The journey begins :)
Hello from a fellow newcomer!
Hello and good morning comrades, After being away from the hobby for 15 years I couldn't resist that urge to come back, and to AoS no less! I'm...