Hey Bowser, have you ever run a Dread Saurian? In the future I'd like to purchase it but I'm trying to wait for GH2 to see what happens with us
Do it haha, I bought my second basi and plan on having some fun with it, I'd like to run three of them one day haha
Stop making me buy more models Bowser haha. Nice lists though, I'm loving the double bastiladons
How'd it go?
Yeah i did cheers
I might give that a go, ill go buy a box of skinks today
This place is the reason I picked Seraphon, Im going to watch a few video's tonight
This has got me very nervous, most of my local are death players from my understanding
looks like after work im going to buy some of them, sadly out of stock of camo's
oh wow haha, knew i wasn't understanding something
How exactly do you snipe a hero that fast? Is it just from dropping rocks on them or the follow up attacks? Is it better to run to groups of 3...
I did have ironjawz but I sold them for more Seraphon haha
The two of you are amazing
Thank you soo much
I've been doing lots of reading and have received lots of help from you all. My last question for tonight is, Are there any good blogs and or...
Haha I knew working at a board game place would be curse
Well what should I buy next? What I own 2 x carno 2 x bastiladon 14 x warriors 10 x guard 5 x knights 1 x slann 1 x skinkpriest
Thanks for the quick responses, Now I just have build and paint every thing while resisting buying more
Hi all, Just a very new player here, when I constructed my units I just put random weapons on them. Just did what looked good. Now for agrument...
Thank you