I think you're just reading too far into the 'No'. The only reason I can see GW being so blase about it is that it's only regarding the one issue....
I would just see the carpet as a badass new/old Palanquin! RAW is all we can go on in this case.
I personally agree with Ilnar.
Hmm don't know how I managed to cock the maths up on that. I guess the ales last night didn't help. Cancel the list for now. I'll have a...
Here's my list. I have a few points left so any advice would be welcome! Life Priest: BSB + Focus of Life + The Focussed Rumination + The...
Interesting, I'll re-check and hope I am not remembering a rumour. EDIT: I'd really appreciate any feedback from those game Chicken.
In a list where points are tight and I want to be efficient, is it okay to take Chameleons over Skirmishers?
Latest and possibly final list; Let me have it. I have decided to forego Scar-Veterans and normal Skinks for a Steg and Chameleons which are now...
Hey all. I am currently jigging and re-jigging my list and some things are causing me issues. Firstly I am considering not even bothering with...
I think Light has legs in an army like mine featuring 3 or so big Saurus/TG units. Being able to boost all of them to the sky makes it viable IMO.
Well the main reason I'm thinking this is because I am on a tight budget and trying to make the most of what I have. I have decided to sell my...
Something along the lines of... [attach]
You sure? The 55pts one from the rulebook?
New list and probably the final one without a few tweaks. Slann Mage-Priest: BSB + Focus of Life + The Focussed Rumination + The Becalming...
Hi all. My army will feature 4 of these bad boys and I still have 5 Cold Ones hanging around. I will be converting them into some sort of ground...
Start going backwards from here for the AMAZING pics! http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263409&page=38
Hi there, I am currently evaluating the following units: - Skink Cohorts - Skink Skirmishers - Terradons - Chamelons Just wondering how...
Re: CONVERTED COLD ONE PICS UPDATED JULY 15th!! Painting WIP These are not finished. You need to get some inks on them and they will REALLY...
I think I'd always try to Cupped Hands first so that the miscast can hurt the enemy and save Vines in case that doesn't work.
So Plasticard shoulder pads could work eh?