They'll be even more important in 8th since you need at least 2 ranks to be able to negate enemy flanks and the only unit Lizards have that can do...
It's hard enough to field a 10 wide block, let alone a 15 (30 actually since a 1/2' is a little larger than the skinks base size). 3 of 10 would...
The Troop make that I've been looking at (don't play enough to rumors test it, but...) is: 1-2 blocks of 18 Saurus-F/C (6x3) with spears. They...
ok, that's what i was looking for and why I couldn't find it. I had remembered them either rewriting that rule to make it so saurus could fight...
As above I'd drop the braves, they just aren't worth the points and most of the time you forget that they are there so don't utilize 'em anyway....
Wheres the rule for this? I'm in a discussion on warseer where they are telling me that suaurs can't and I would like to get the rule that says...
I hope I am not mistaken, but as I remember saurus get to attack with full attacks from the second rank with spears. I can't find it in the rule...
Those numbers seem a bit high. Considering each die has a 1 in 6 chance of rolling a six. That one six out of six die, 2 out of 12, 3 out of 18...
Congrats. Seems like a quick game. Nice solid list by the way.
Thanks for the link. Cleared up some questions.
They're all skinks so they'd easily fit. :smug: As to the list...Too many skorks for me, but the army comp still looks fun. If you can find the...
I never field them when I'm not fielding a slann, they're not worth the points seeing as saurus are more cost effective. But my slann is never...
Skink Chief- stegadon, warspear + 17 skinks- f/c, 2 krox or OB- la, carn, Scimitar of the sun + 5 CO- music, banner- sun standard. (Used this...
This is more along the lines of what we should field. Lord: 197 OB- la, gw, aura o’ quetzl Heroes: 365 Scar-vet- la, bsb, BBoC Priest- lvl 2...
And like in all the other editions were we couldn't out number the enemy, we're not going to be able to out rank them now. Our base troops are...
"Say you are up against some form of O&G block of 25..." Noooo....We're talking a block of 40 orcs and a block of 40 gobos with 10 blorcs w/gw...
ok. That's annoying, butt...prolly be 2 units of one. That's why he has the Aura, -1 to hit in CC. That was the idea. But given the rules for...
So what are Skaven supposed to do if their greatest advantage is stripped? They can't fight, that's for sure, but now they can't outnumber either?...
We really don't need a gun line. and with only 12" range, that isn't a very effective one. March and shoot? Never seen that before, doesn't make...
Don't know much about High/Wood Elves cus I never fight them. But Skaven... (by the way, do you know what their list is?)They will outnumber you...