According to the current compendium, the replacement for Saurus Scar-Veteran is the Saurus Oldblood. I'm partial to this Bloodclaw list, which...
Bastiladons really want a 2+ rerollable save. Sisters of the Thorn, anyone? I think your opponent would rather just not attack it.
Divide points spent on the unit by the total wounds dealt by a unit, or divide points-per-model by wounds dealt per-model. Similar for the wounds....
I have the numbers! These models assume a null save on the unit they attack, and the effective wounds (actual wounds divided by the likelihood a...
I think the Seraphon Army on GW's site is marketed towards someone who is interested in giving a gift, but doesn't necessarily know the nuances of...
I do not have a single Saurus in my collection, but the Seraphon are by-and-large my favorite army. They're just so darned nuanced. In my...
I'd be interested to see the Troglodon's Noxious Spittle deal mortal wounds, similar to a Dracoth's breath attack. d3 attacks, 3+ to hit, 1 Mortal...
...but what can you do with two Start Collecting: Seraphon boxes that you cannot do with one? I'm convinced that grabbing a second box is...
Howdy, folks! This is a guide to show you how to get the most out of your Start Collecting: Seraphon box. I believe the ideal number of these...