whether or not HEs will get Monstrous Infantry or Cavalry and is a flying chariot on the table (and whether or not it's the stupidest idea in the...
Now here's where the dilemma comes in; there are two other abilities that work just like this one, Teclis and the Power Stone/Scroll (I forget...
Actually the wording might allow him to be 2nd ranked in Temple Guard as well. A bigger question is if he miscasts on any double or just double 6...
Re: Next AOW lizardman This looks crazy good, though I feel like the "heads" of the weapon should be swapped.
I think that the abstracted 1-10 stat scale used in 40k isn't large enough to make a Catachan significantly stronger than a Cadian, when both are...
It costs way too much as a fact. That's nearly 900 points (with a naked slann) for…some sup-par chaos warriors that won't run from combat.
Doesn't exactly work, as Tyrion may take his Regeneration roll in lieu of the ward save.
I've been having success with a big old brick of like, 50-some spear saurus. It really comes down to how big the unit is going to be, and the size...
Honestly, I wouldn't. I'd rather those two Slann be buffing up my units, as things get really crazy in SoM. It's a beautiful thing to see every...
Re: I like the quality of the new WH FW models but not the p Forgeworld does more 40k stuff because, well, I'm pretty sure that's were they got...
Cupped hands is not overpowered :rolleyes: . It's especially not overpowered when it's only usable by a 450 point infantry model that can only...
He kills 1 to 2 models a turn? Shouldn't he be taking Break tests at -3 to 2?
I think that the BRB FAQ clarifies that a model is never in base contact with itself, as well (because a mode's edge cannot touch its own edge).
You could change the Maiming Shield for the BRB Glittering Scales so both your OBs are at -1. You could also give one of them both of those items...
Would a musician be more useful in the Skrox units than the champ?
To answer your questions in order, the FAQ says so, yes, and yes (in every pre 8th edition armybook FAQ).
I always run my on foot in the blocks. With the plethora of common magic armor it is easy as chips to give them a decent armor save.
You put your scarvets on chariot bases?
Probably why it is 5 points now.
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