Re: Scaly Skin should stack with Scaly Skin I'd rather Scaly Skin not count for Lore of Metal and similar effects, personally.
According to 1 review, key data (he claimed parts of monster AI) is not on disc; connecting to the servers is what allows the game to run. Truth...
I just looked up some Amazon reviews. It's designed to need constant internet access to run as an anti-piracy measure. This is bad in general if...
"Bleh" on resin sallies and razors. I don't feel like paying 40 bucks for a beefy cold one and 3 skinks. Nor can I see them making a combined...
I'm actually basically doing all of that into one: Saurus and Temple guard, topped with the COC one, which itself is topped with the Stegadon...
A Thunderstomp follows all the rules for a Stomp, only with d6 hits instead of 1. Because Ogres are about 3 times the size as wolves? Not in 8th.
Well, it doesn't have a spell type, so it follows the "generic" restrictions on page 31. Which it will probably fulfill at the start of the game...
I'd honestly hope that the Carnosaur gets a plastic kit, and I'm fairly certain that GW would roid it out (Mournfangs are nearly as big as it),...
I'll throw this out there, I'd much rather see the Slann cost more then recieve a rules nerf. Just give skinks access to another lore or two, as...
Well, you see, Warhammer Fantasy isn't at its core a roleplaying game. You don't show up with armies made up of unknown points, so that sometimes...
It is actually entirely dependt on how the particular Assassin's "Hidden" Rule (or equivalent) is worded. For Dark Elves, The Blood Statuette...
They're function has changed. I swear by them…when they are basically doubling the damage output of a warrior block. They are pretty cheap for...
Scar Veteran Price + 35. You also really should pick up a rulebook, eBay should be flooded with the travel sizes from Island of Blood ;) .
Higher State and the Shield are a bit much if he's in a TG unit.
Yeah, the only exception is for units of multiple wound models, such as a unit of Ogres. In that case, you calculate each multiple wound per model...
Hits that cause multiple wounds don't take effect until the wound in question has successfully been applied to a single target model. So, say my...
Re: Any hints on when Forge World will release more MA Monst I mean, it is pretty much a Carnosaur, only Supersized, with a longer snout and an...
Re: Any hints on when Forge World will release more MA Monst FW rumors never seem to, well, happen. I have seen event photos of the Colossal...
Well, I want to finally get a fully painted army done. With that, I'm sticking to painting good quaility, but still as quickly as possible. I've...
I am assuming that, while each team gets 5,000 points, you must still abide by army percentages based on 1,250, correct?