Re: How to stop the Skaven Storm Banner from mucking up my g The artie die is just shots, not hits.
Yeah, I got sloppy filling that gap. I just wanted to getting to painting though.
I mean, he is a pretty tough cookie at t5 4+/5++ in a challenge. The problem is that we can field combat Lords for less points, because you are...
In 8th a model can only take a "Look Out Sir!" roll with a unit that shares the same unit type as the target model.
I see what you mean about the shield. I think that it is mostly from using a shield arm from the TG kit; the pose certainly works for a line of...
What points level will you usually be playing at? My two most used Scar-Vet builds are: 1)Trickster's Helm, Light Armor, and a Halberd (you can...
Just finished this little guy (seriously, these clam shell plastics are probably the best idea GW has had since I got into the hobby). Any...
Armor of Destiny has a ward save. It is literally the 4+ ward talisman as Heavy armor for +5 points. VotFF doesn't work in conjunction with magic...
No, it used to basically be that only a little better, and has actually been nerfed in 8th. From his entry rules, he always strikes before his...
My opinion? No. Back in 7th he may have been when in a challenge he always beat his opponent over the head first, no exceptions. Now that he just...
One annoying thing to remember is that it can be shut-down by effects that cancel out magic items. Fortunately it just turns into a normal Cold...
Since I have a thing about just running Kroq-Gor, I decided to scratch build up a custom rider (sadly for my arms, this was before the standard...
Hello everyone! I've been collecting Lizardmen for a few years now, and while I haven't gotten to play often recently, I've started getting back...