i need help with this. i got my rulebook as a xerox copy from a friend since i've not had the possiblity to get a rulebook yet, nor do i know when...
did not know that, thanks for the heads up, alltough my chances of facing HE are rather slim as nobody plays them in my area :P, alltough i might...
naah. it was in the 7th ed rulebook. all units got charging bonuses then aswell. with a nice example of chariots causing impact hits on models...
ohh yeah. regarding this issue. since i was absent for the 1st month orfrom teh forum since 8th ed, i was wondering... where's the old skrox vs....
really? there used to be problem for stat lines asewlll even after they put them online. or so i heard at least from other forum admins
actually. with a champion you can challenge every turn as long as you get to revive 1 model. its allways the champion. also, slann. great for...
neither did you in 7th. it was allmost the only way for the skaven to get their 13'th spell off.
4 models. your math is correct assuming you get those 2 spells off. the problem with the lore of light is that you need those 2 spells and your...
there are allready topics about scar vets and olblood builds and posting full stat lines is illegal in most countries.... otehr than that... yeah,...
its in the BRB under pursuing into enemy units (i think) both unit get all charge bonuses (impact hits, spears, lances, +1 cr, etc) but to +1 cr...
or, you know, 25% wich is the max he can spend for a lord. even if you get rid of that dragon you have to worry about the rest of 75% of his army....
also, dragon helm is better than the enchanted shield usually. its cheaper, gives a ward save and you can still add a normal shield for +2 to your...
a unit of spear evles fights in 4 ranks, 5 as a horde. since a skink or saurus for that matter will be in base contact with 3 elves, 1 of wich is...