regarding blowpipe: its still only 2 shots as per weapon profile, the number of A the chief has on its profile doesn't apply regarding different...
my regular oppnent is a DElf player so he might be interessted, i'll keep an eye on the thread and confirm when the time comes
not really. unit of skinks + chiefs (maybe krox) for the chiefs and a TG+Slann unit either behind it, or in its flank. there is no reason for the...
1 more thing. i knew i didn't like something about that plaque of tepok. you're using lore of light, thus you have no throne of vines. you you...
given the facts i'd rather avoid light. between chalenges and directing attaks against the champion its hard to think he can survive with T4 and...
hey guys, haven't bee arround for a while so sry if this was allready discussed. Problem: 7th ed. wording: bla bla bla to issue or meet it (the...
how about this: spam skink chiefs (4+) in a unit and put a beast slann behind them. the character buffs from the lore can be cast on all...
hey guys, long time no post Slann: plaque of tepok gives you 5/7 spells witch you roll for. given the fact that the signature can't be rolled...
i read it as you get the extra attack even with the great weapon. since the owrding is that the characters gets an extra attack, thus a saurus...
remember the base size of swarms. against a normal unit (20x20 bases) 5 wide you would get maximum 4 swarms. trolls/ogres 3 wide you get 5 swarms...
with T4 and a 4+ ward he unlikely to lose all his wounds in 1 combat, and untill the next there will be a magic phase probably where he regains...
well teh oldblood hasa decent I afaik so I tests shouldn't be a problem, i can see the problem with death tough, some nasty character killing...
flyers usually have a tough time passing a 2+ save and he still has 2 wounds, with a life slann nearby he can be easly healed. his cost is also a...
you know that FAQ topic in gen. discussion thats stiky and locked? apparently it still has the old FAQ, you might want to look into that. now,...
i'd be interessted in following such a topic, but do include what other units you can get for the points of your COC unit and how they would work...
i see your point, but i'd have to run it by my community. the old rules specified it was for effects that destroy magic items, but the wording is...
hmmm.... i was sure the drahon prince had the same statline as DE CoK since most of the units do with different names and special rules. i'll...
horned one = magic item skavenpelt banner = magic banner see the problem? otherwise you could give him some magic armour and solve he problem
technically you are right. RAW says that units need to be 1" appart unless locked in the same combat. in your example RAW supports your claim....
fear only reduces WS iirc and i'm probably wrong about the magic items for the champ, i haven't used them since 7th so it wouldn't suprise me. i...