its too risky imo, maybe on an anciet steg to give the steg 1 more attack and teh crew aswell... but thats hardly worth it. alltough if you want...
its clear that the skinks have to move 1st, i was just wondering if there was a way of intrepreting the rules so the end result is the same, with...
this question is only for clarification because hte rules are rather clear in the matter, but i might be wrong so its worth checking with you...
it really depends on the rest of the army. for example if you have a life slann you can afford slammer saurus units, since the moment you lost the...
the problem is with the high number of attacks coming back at them. even if the opponents wound on 5's, a 3+ save can be failed easyer than a 2+...
that was some sort of misunderstanding, in the way that i did not say that in any way. you were arguing the opposite, i said you could be doing...
honestly... i wouldn't flee with the slann for a charge whatever the sitation. with a 4+ ward and life he has a fighting chance even on his own....
36 skinks double tapping and hitting on 6's kill the HPA, statstically, in 1 round of shooting. thats the key, now.. you can try to get 36 skinks...
CoC are crap. i guess i have to suppoert that. ignoring the point cost its a unit that can charge barely more than a Skorx unit, can't deny...
skinks can wither those units down rather good. T3 and no armour means that any 6's will kill them and if you hit on 5's even more wounds. then a...
its not forbidden. you can even use fencer's blade with a shield. it's up to you how much of an ass you want to be and argue RAW, but you can....
life. dwellers below insta kill the casket since it has no S value, same against anvils of doom
you're probably better off with the cube of darkness really. its a 50% chance to end the magic phase wich usually is better than an extra die per...
the problem is, that you don't have to roll on the miscast table before declaring the use of the cupped hands. i do agree taht with throne of vies...
quite nice.... quite nice. i needed this to wake up :D
isn't the staff an arcane item? in that case you can't have both it and the plaque of tepok and the same character
very true, i was thinking of putting it on my TG with BSB slann when i realised this. unless there is something n the table that stops your BSB...
exactly what i think of them. all my list start out with champions in every CC unit, but then i realise those points are spent somehwere else...
death is indeed good, and killing a skaven general can put a dent into their steadfast units. same with vampires since the ystart to crumble....