as far as i know it explicitly says in our army book that salamanders can't stand and shoot
silverhelms aren't that dangerous really, be happy its not dragon princes. also, be sure to sugest him to bring a wizard with lore of beasts and...
there was a similar topic long ago, its probably lost in the dark tunnles of the forum by now, so this is quite usefull. also, don't underestimate...
this is a rules question. the way i see it, you may not pace a character within teh watchtower unless it has some kind of rule like the TG+Slann...
as soon as the monster loses all its handlers it rolls on teh monster stupidty chart (assuming it failed its Ld), what happens afterwards is of no...
i heard that rumour aswell, turns out now to be true, so stupidity checks happen before charged and so does the "mea 'ead 'urts" part of it, but...
if you really want a chief you could jsut deploy him on foot with a mounted unit. the unit loses 3M and swift stride, otherwise it really doesn't...
confirmed. the spell is succesfully cast, all effects happen, the the miscast occurs, so with throne of vines, a double 6 means that you ge tall...
either ethereal, +1 LD and stubborn to bog down a huge unit for the einter game with lore of life or 2+ ward agaisnt shooting, MR3 with any lore...
don't quit, LM are awesome!
ohh.... should read spells more carefully. never used it that way, but i'm still under the impression that once the spell is cast under the effect...
same question as: when you cast throne are spells allready cast buffed by it? the question goes to moment of casting or moment of importance. if...
saurus units should normally be steadfast tough, you can revive them if necessary
allways spears the way i see it, with "allmost allways strikes last" they need all the attacks they can get, and they cna be revived so they get...
life is still best for LM, against anything except WOC and dwarves i guess, where metal comes in. an alternative would be death. their not that...
ocrouse. with the saurus, either as a 6x4+2 formation or 7x4 depending on what my enemy puts on teh table. and striking last at T5; 1+ save is...
i think sallies are 2W, and also, if their attacks becomes a breath weapon, the point cost should be lowered. lets not forget there is a 1/6...
he can join the unit as normal. he can not deploy with them as scouts as he does not have teh scout special rule, but if they deploy as normal he...
giving the fact that i got no coments, i'll make it easyer. i have another list for the same purpose, a bit different. you jsut have to post 1, or...
how did WS become more important?