yeah, 12 strong saurus units were viable in 7th but now with our allmost army wide rule "allmost allways strikes last" small saurus units took a...
except staying power. with 2 kroxigor you got a unit 6 wide? to protect the kroxigor? thats a 6x4 unit, a unit of 18 models most with T2, its...
you can indeed heal it with lifebloom
if you add 1 or 2 lvl 2 priests, 1 with plaque of tepok to a list with him you could petentially get 2 commets of with IF that can't be dispelled...
no it hasn't. its the same wording as in 7th but istead of +1 power dice and +1 dispell dice you get +1 to the casting/dispell roll. it didn't get...
12 saurus/unit? thats gonna die fast from allmost anything and each casualty is going to make you lose attacks, i'd rather have a 20+ unit 5x4 or...
again. allways strike LAST. that means teh enemy has a chance to chop up your stegadon before you get the thunderstop dice you want to be carefull...
most common are cupped hands of the old ones if you're not using lore of life, or bane head + feedback scroll with lore of life for magic defense....
the problem is that with a decent magic phase the slann will use up all power dice or most of them, giving the skink little to do and getting him...
thunderstomp is allways strike last
you could give him a weapon and lore of beasts for +3S +3A but other than a nasty surprise for your oponent... it won't do much.
saurus and salamanders + some skinks on the side. other than that either 2 priests or a scar vet/oldblood with cc gear is what i'd take. you might...
i last ran the 9 attack oldblood; l2 priest with plaque of tepok; 20 saurus musician, standard, spears; 15 s.skirmishers; stegadon and 1...
well 2 slann's can have the same discipline, but the problem is, a discipline doesn't use the magic items allowance, so if you have the slot wich...
the problem with thunderstomp is that the attacks have the allways strike last rule, so even great weapons would hit at teh same time. alltough...
the unit doesn't technically use the inspiring presence leadership, but the one of the character in it, i.e. the highest Ld in the unit, so wihle...
i'm not gonna discuss the viability of the COC but you can not join units with characters mounted on monsters so he's gonna be pretty vulnerable
my question goes to wich stegadon to use. EotG or a war-spear chief with an ancient steg? there is a difference of 10 points for the war spear...
also.... a mage in any unit will probably have a champion right next to him. if you throw characters at him he'll just challenge and you get to...
indeed, that might be even nastyer than the purple sun or pit of shades. you still have a chance of survival with those but since TG units are...