Warg pulling a cart... priceless :hilarious:
I have taken the leftover Troglodon parts from the Seraphon start collecting box and stuck them to a poorly moulded body loosely based on that...
:eek::writing: This is why you post on forums :woot:
Well we played last night, my fearsome band of Mordor Orcs named Grishnakhs Grots vs The Horse lords (without horses :p), Rohan Sir Robins Brave...
Once every few months she considers it :D but I'm fortunate that we usually have a good time playing. I don't think I have ever won against...
Today I have been working on (the beginning of) a Battle company for my wife, so she has no choice but to play with me :happy: [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Wow really cool use of Rats! I think tonight is the night for some MESBG painting. I started last night on some(4) Morannon Orcs, I guess I will...
Loving seeing this colour scheme. The lighter is something I considered for my own warriors, though I changed my mind since my goblins are a...
Ok, my month ends on the 20th this month so with that in minds let's keep it simple. Plan and create a conversion. Create a piece of terrain...
The knights are in a similar shape although basically done (without basing). I want to redo the silver metalics that I had originally chose, with...
That is correct by the book at least, and I don't think that is something that is usually adjusted. I also love the colour scheme, really nicely...
Acting as a bed for my sick daughter, watching football and looking at various colour schemes for models. When mama gets home, I'm gonna have a...
Such a fantastic scheme! My wife says it's one of the best she has seen (not in the hobby but has to deal with it :p) and I can't help but agree,...
The knights are almost finished, they just need some final touches, shading and details. I started the priest on the day I posted this and...
My hobby time is dedicated to finishing off my 5 Saurus knights over the past few days. We are getting closer and closer. I did pick up a few...
Looking good! Nice vibrant scheme.
As it stands, here they are: [ATTACH] (These first three are part of the "before crew". Pretty much what they all looked like before the recent...
Been slowly working on the Cold ones over the course of the week. They are just about done (realising has all the gold to do as well as the teeth...
Wyldwood on the bark and Plaguebearer Flesh on the flesh... and that was it for now :D While waiting for the paints to dry I worked more on the...
I think a change of pace would be nice. So, a small break from the Saurus knights and I think I will tackle some Spite revenants.