By combining the units you should be able to free up enough points to field another 10 strong unit of skink skirmishers. (You no longer have to...
TG only really come into their own with a slann. A slann is a specific lord choice, you either go magic or you go combat and run with an OB of...
Champions are a nice bonus but ultimately only offer an extra attack that may translate into an extra 1 CR. A standard on the other hand is always...
I have never played a 1.5K game, so i would say 2k, but I'm sure you could manage it at 1500. -Eagle-
All your eggs in one basket with the EOTG, but provides the +2 cover save to your general which is handy. Seems solid enough but I would...
EOTG is handy against shooty armies but don't rely on it to win the day there. It's burning allingment that is neither magical nor flaming...
In a 1K list i wouldn't advise it. It is more feaseable in a 2K list as it is a smaller chunk of your points that you look to lose. If you go for...
Ultimately you need to ask yourself, what would I do if...? The general "if" being, "if I was playing as undead" The answer is, bog down my...
I think it would be interesting to put a unit of 8 or 10 CoR's in the centre, with saurus on either side and use an Apex strategy. On the one...
15 saurus warriors but no standard? Why throw away the additonal +1 CR? If anything be rid of the champ, one extra attack does not mean one extra...
a 5 strong squad of cold one riders is kicking in at near 200 points. I don't know how much the scar vet will cost or how much you will get back...