I personally am not a big fan of stacking cupped hands with lore of life and tend to suggest that if people can find the 20 extra points they take...
Maybe the slann have taken over the minds of the feeble vampire lords through their susceptibility to magic given their nature and are using them...
My default is life but that is getting boring so I might just stick with cupped hands and try out light, or for some real fun I might try beasts...
Skirmishers are in a fixed (albeit "loose") formation now and have a foward, side and rear arc at all times. PP 77 states that "If skirmishers...
If the majority of the unit is obscured then it is hard cover so that's -2 to hit. If it is just partially obscured you might be able to claim...
lol that's good service for you atleast!
I still use the old classic saurus lol and classic skinks...one classic steg...salamander......
This might help http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440155a&prodId=prod1830001
Another terrain question: Can you have terrain in the centre of your gaming board? I was told that this was not allowed, made little difference...
I see now, the box beneath that is misleading...nevermind...
I played and beat a list like this 4 weeks running, the 5th week however he changed it and things didn't quite go my way after that lol......
One might assume that they open portals and just slip in and out to where they need to be.
Javelins are quick to fire so they don't suffer the penalty for moving and shooting and they can always stand and shoot. Hitting on 5's at long...
The Slann cannot have the magical armour you have given him, as much as a 2+ save would be nice. Page 500 of the BRB, first sentence under the...
Dispel Scroll and Power stone are both arcane items and if I'm not mistaken taking both on your slann is not allowed, just something to note....
Why? The BRB clearly states that any weapon with that rule inflict a further -1 armour save modifier. Read beyond the first 5 non-italic'ed...
Life is the safe choice for us, it means that we can spam PD and not really care too much about consequence. You can happily throw 6 dice at the...
You can cast magic, just not all magic, you can cast augments and hexes while in combat which is still great. Magic missiles are a no and I think...
If you ignore the sun standard then you need a clip round the ear because it is by far one of the BEST banners going. With the volley fire special...
As per the rulebook, No, they do not. Anything that states that it causes IF outside of the double 6's roll causes IF without miscasting (unless...