The Bears Anger does not stack with weapon bonuses as it clearly states "cannot use a wield a weapon nor use a shield whilst using this spell"...
If the priest is killed then the engine is no longer able to be used therefore it would seem that the damage, tough not directly caused by the...
Kroq-Gar will probably become more cost effective in the new edition with his ability to take one unit of CoR as core, but until then he is just...
I do agree that people do whine a bit too much, and there are construction issues with some armies out there, i.e. deamons, but nothing that can't...
If you are concerned about casualties prior to engaging the enemy then obviously fill those specials out with cavalry. Though this idea could work...
I've played Ogres before, they'e not a great obstacle once you know how to beat them. I vaguely remember something about their impact hits not...
10 seems a bit much, 8 or 9 maybe. D3 rocks = atleast 10 s4 hits. Odds aren't that different with 8 and you only need to panic a unit you don't...
Or, OB takes the furnace and carno takes the seer. Sorted.
So, for clarity, can an oldblood take a gander over to a furnace, hit it once with the BoR, auto-killing it, and leaving the priest to fight on...
•If a wizard fails to reach the casting value, it's a miscast. -Avian (more likely) If this is true it will then simply be a case of going, "Oh I...
Funny that that starter box set be mentioned actually, those very same saurus form part of my core army :) -Eagle
Chainmail highlighted with Mithril Silver followed by several heavy washes of Gryphonne Sepia, it's how I painted my BSB bearer, it's quick, it's...
I know he is a weak little guy with 2 wounds but he still gets the 2+ armour save and the Steg gets to fight in challenges aswell so he's not...
Life is typically an enemy unit within 12" of the caster or within 12" of terrain so unlimited range in a sense, depends on how much terrain you...
No one laugh but here I would suggest Lore of Life...yeah that's right, Life...and what? Against that gun line and with randomly generate terrain...
As I was told on Thursday it is Comp Moves, Rally, Declare in that order. I could be wrong. -Eagle
Are there rules for a coatl to be found anywhere?
Re: 8th Edition I very much doubt a lot will change, release 7/10 though... Oh and there are 2 threads for this now I see...
Skink chief can take BSB, and providing they don't take a magical banner they can take wargear so possibly A/Steg + Chief + Spear + BSB = 2d6 IH...
I too think the sketch is awesome, just put that on the table instead of the model lol I know where you are at with the old edition model, I have...