Tis all well and good in friendly games, but they don't allow it at tournaments and such...
That's what was initially printed in the GW mag. Any idea on a rough date so I can find the issue without having to spend hours about it....?
Why did you try using a knife on metal? lol Files for metal Files + Knife for plastic I find the knife is better for the rough work, I then...
There is one fairly petty way of dealing with them Get a car with a big boot, wait for the HE player to turn up, snag said player in a giant net,...
This is what i was referring to. This was the first and incorrect post. They cannot be occasional allies to all armies...
skink heavy indeed........ would love to know how this plays
I remember a year ago GW published an allies chart in one of the White Dwarf mags. The following month they posted an ammendment as the lizardmen...
Seems good 0+ armour saves....... 1 is always a fail.......
Seems solid enough....good block of saurus, sallies are pretty nasty against anything armoured, low leadership, low toughness or weak against...
Finished my A-levels last week, no I sit around all day doing not a lot of anything. Got paintballing planned for sunday but that's about it. Put...
Steg in a unit? I agree, seems wrong.... Only benefit I see is the terror, makes a weak unit a less inviting unit to charge, but that can go...
Seems older than 6th, we are on 7th now, and 6th was the first time they included magicn in the mainstream rules, the magic references in that...
Brake fluid is best left in the car lol ^^ I spent a good few hours putting my stegadon kit together yesterday so my advice to you is to leave...
Spears = Defensive Weapon = No bonus on the move (unless otherwise stated i.e. HE) 20 S4 attacks on the charge would be beasty....lolz -Eagle
Unfortunatly not, I just have the lizardmen collectors book, the model looks very similar to the reaper one but is wrapped around a tree so it...
What exactly is a quetzlcoatl? In the old lizardmen collectors' guide there is a conversion by Andy Hoare of a Lizardmen Coatl.
In the spirit of fairness it is assumed that all armies are balanced. However as they say "to assume is to make an ass of u and me" and so it...
You could do as many people do and field him with a different weapon, this only really works in spear units though as it's ok to have the champ...
I would expect that they are in one sense, a law unto-themselves. Typically they would only take to the field of battle when their charge is...
I'd say drop the chams, halve the skinks to 10 and put those additional points into your saurus, that way you have a strong core, you can flank...