I liked the first, makes a nice showpiece model. However I'm not a fan of the 2nd one, it doesn't seem to scream ultimate predator it just...
He spilled coffee on his rulebook the day after he bought it....thoug he lives by the pricniple of "If i can read half the pages I aint getting a...
Is it? Now I'm torn...do I tell my VC opponent (usually play the same people)....or do I leave him to keep doing it like this.....knowledge is a...
They wont be hiding every single vamp so you knock off one or even two and that will seriously hamper their ressurection abilities. Oh and a...
I'd love to either use, or hear how using Chakax to challenge and tear those vamps apart goes for people. Unfortuntly if you have a TG and Slann...
Blacksmithing is a hobby? Kinda of out there lol
Oh yes of course, I should've twigged that one from the word go...nvm...so basically, if you're playing a 3k+ game then he is a good addition to a...
I prefer the solo build, although I don't have a TG unit, it's simply because I don't see the overall benefit of taking a beefed up saurus squad...
He'd get his slann behind handed to him if an enemy was to ever to ever get into combat with them, a quick cav unit hits those skinks, you either...
My favourite unit, and by far the one that tends to do me the most amount of good in games is my CoR's. On more than one occasion they have...
Hit's and wounds are separate things. Impact hits are not affected, however things like the banehead, are. -Eagle-
hide an slann in a skink squad? what? ....
As strewart said, the ancient is a great mount, but you still have an ancient underneath so it should see combat. The only bonus, from the...
How about some CoR's instead? 12 power dice is nasty, ultimately you want to aim to take out those vampires so send your saurus characters vamp...
Skeleton blocks normally come in what? 30's? That's what I normally get thrown at me, but still, the chances of losing a static combat to...
To be totally honest I see this list as playing straight into the hands of an undead player. For them it is all about a war of attrition. Their...
Hey Seems fairly solid, good core block, the SV and saurus, spears are your best friend with this army (IMO). My only criticism would be: Drop...
blacksmithing? care to elaborate on what exactly that entails?
Quick query, does the PoSotek not come with a scenic base? If so, why are you opting for your bog standard base? -Eagle-
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) Firstly I want to say that it is really an impressive piece of work, always a pleasure to see people...