I havent play against them yet, but in general they have high saves (+3 & +4) except the bloodreavers. So u will need rend to do some wounds. I...
Hi all. This is my first attempt converting something. I created a Scar veteran on cold one using parts from start collecting box. Its not...
That's what I guessed. Any model of the unit counts as it is a bit general. Ty for the info
Yea no attack but, after the jaws kills a unit(last model alive) or just any model of a unit.
Hey, I just have 2 questions about the explanation of an ability. You can read at the warscroll of the carno that after it slain an enemy u can...
I had my first two battles in AoS this week vs storm cast and chaos slaneesh daemons. Both a lose. I used the same list both games. -Saurus scar...
So, here is my 2000pts list i made. I think it has many options to change though. My thought was to have mobility, protection of the heavy hiters...
Thanks for the advice. Ill try the list and maybe change it a bit, one thought is chameleon for the rippers, and ill ask again for a more complex list
I like the idea of convertion and i already had something like that in mind for the extra models. But the Bloodclaw starhost comes with a 100 pts...
Hello, im new to seraphon and im trying to make my first army of 1000pts. Most of them will be from the starting to collect box. In the future i...