I'm always on the lookout for little jungly plants. The ferns, such as the ones on the carnosaur base, come from the Games Workshop basing kit....
Nah, there's nothing to see. It would be nice to go through with the project. Narrative-wise my Slann in the campaign I'm playing is the one...
I wish it was chameleon skinks (plural), at the moment it's just the one. ...Just stumbled upon this pic on google;...
It's been a while. Christmas. Birthday. No sleep. Crazy. New year means new army, so I've been scurrying with the Skaven. I just finished my...
I wish I could sculpt like that. I've been at it since I was 10, but I've never quite got it. How do you get it so smooth and clean?
I like this. We need to see more tattoos and warpaint on lizardmen, it just fits so well. I also like the idea of having characters stand out by...
When I started my army I began to sculpt a unit of these. I was going to use the skavenslave profile. I have about 5 half done, but haven't looked...
It's just made from giant blowpipe parts from the stegadon box. I just entered the Carnosaur into his second competition, over on bitzbox.co.uk....
Love that headdress. It's way more dynamic than the one I did, which was just sculpted flat onto a credit card. I'd like to see more of them in...
Re: Borks slo mo blog Looking forward to seeing another's interpretation of those crocodile skinks. Those Krox I painted were really easy (I...
Thanks! It was a bit depressing to see the majority of models in the cabinets at Games Day so grey and brown. I remember how colourful the models...
Good deal, last one I saw on eBay went for £100!
I really wish I had one of those. It was a limited edition thing right? I wasn't into the hobby at the time to snap one up.
I just tried to copy Keith Robertson's somewhat famous model. Seemed like a good way to learn the style. For the skinks, it's liche purple...
I paint the eyes blue with a pupil, then put a heavy black wash over them. From a distance they look black, giving a cold-blooded look, but when...
Not every skink, just the special ones. Now that you mention it my wrists have been hurting lately... Crazy. It's like the painter only noticed...
It's all hand blending. I bought the Citadel Spray Gun a while back, but I just could'nt get it to work right. Besides, I would'nt actually have...
I entered the Carnosaur at the UK Games Day. I'll try to get some shots of the temple guard when I can get hold of a camera again (I should get my...
Wow, what a warm welcome! The carnosaur was indeed a lot of work, but for all the wrong reasons. I got it on the day it was released as finecast...
New guy here, long time lurker, etc. etc. I've been recently convinced to show some pictures of my army (so far). I'm running a heavily...