It's thicker straight out of the pot than the layer paints but add a little water to it and it covers just as good. It's a case of horses for courses!
Great start with the saurus! They have a really nice paint job. Basing them would take them to another level though and is really worth doing. As...
Re: Scalenex's Paint Log I love the lengths you've gone to and the reasoning's behind your caste system. That's truly in depth! Your painted...
Thanks mate for the kind words! The palanquin is definitely in need of a little TLC. Perhaps a light dry-brush of the original grey and then a...
Re: Scalesy's paint blog (Slann Started 1/4/12) That's a nice start to your slann! Your scheme isn't a million miles away from your original...
WiP of Lord Gribbit. He's proving a right pain in the backside to paint. I can't wait to have him finished! I haven't made my mind up on the base...
Thanks for the warm welcome mate! Have a look over at this site for Wills York Stone Paving......
Hey guys. Here's the humble beginning of my Lizardmen army. I'm aiming towards an eventual 3000 point force. I've unashamedly decided to do the...