Re: Dice Pledges Oh you already had posted the list of colours in the OP! I didn't notice it and then was demanding answer from you! :rolleyes:...
Re: Dice Pledges Still need some clarification, which part of their website has the list? Or is it simply EVERY colour of dice they offer for...
Re: Dice Pledges Argh, too hard to choose! Qup, maybe you should link to the colour thread in the OP? I want to pick out my colours, but not...
You're cheap scum, one per base indeed :P Why not buy some 3rd party swarm minis from online? There's a fair few nice ones if you look...
You mean they're SELLING articles that used to be free PDFs on their website??
I have some GW swarms, I don't mind them at all. There are plenty of mini-makers out there who have generic lizards, snakes, spiders etc etc...
Yeah I'll +1 that as well. EVEN IF THERE ARE NO DOTS :jimlad:
So nice he posted thrice :D
Are you okay if we direct other people, or forums, here? I'm sure there's plenty of Lizardmen players who would like themed dice. But it might...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth Oh so even thought Javelins come with poison, the Hand Weapons don't by default? I...
Yeah, that's the one! A Panic check!
I like to think Rowan ends up on MANY misadventures, such as being enslaved on a Dark Elf galley and being the only survivor of a fierce storm...
Ranged attack is different to charging at something!
I also imagine the Saurus can just march for days and days with minimal rest.
Doesn't flaming also cause Fear against warbeasts?
You don't like Empire infantry rules or models? because there's plenty of nice alternative 28mm human models out there. But if you don't like...
Oh yeah, reforming is a thing.... I guess it's all too easy to forget your options when you're staring at a unit sitting nicely on a movement tray!
I've only used mine half a dozen times, but a few times it has seemed that the width made it hard to maneuver competitively against enemy...
Pretty cool! Though using some "writing cliches" such as the final line can be an easy mistake that lets it down a little.
What kind of formations are good for riding dinosaurs around in? I've only really used 6 wide single ranks so far. Is the sacrifice of frontage...