But it's still a 2+ dice roll to save, 1 being a natural fail. What it does mean though is you have another point of armour save that can be...
Re: High Elf Tactica, Revised for the new Book (detailed) Ugh, one day too late! I had a spur-of-the-moment battle vs High Elves today. I was...
Can anyone give me a refresher on how a Cav hero works in an Inf block? I know it'd be a waste of points, but I could attach the Chief on HO onto...
... you have a devious mind! I was thinking maybe I'd just stick the Bane Head on him or something and try to go Wizard hunting for lulz. Which...
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG Amazingly good painting! :D If you're using a digital camera, it might have different light settings...
Okay, so I have an awesome Skink Chief riding on a giant dodo style bird for the cool factor, does anyone have suggestions how I should arm him so...
I've actually got one of these models, yet to paint it. Trying to figure out how to mount it to a base, maybe pinned stand with jungle growth to...
Cheers for the input! I've recently been playing with 2 x 20 blocks of Spears, and after getting router by the Bretts last night I think it's...
My Jungle Swarms *almost* were great in a game yesterday. Had them in a position where the Bret opposition didn't really have any better option...
Usually classical or jazz, anything soothing and better for background listening. I've also got a silly amount of video game...
Any advice as to weapon loadouts for the Chiefs? I've got a winged serpent model I'm going to be counts-as a Chief on Terradon, but for the sake...
Hmm, thanks a lot for the advice! Looks like I'll have to get thinking about using them as tar pits, and set up units nearby that will benefit...
Can't seem to find the FAQ reference at all, any help? That's a good point about moving them up right into the enemies face. I've got a fair few...
Does anyone have experiences of having mega-blocks of Saurus or skinks to share? 50 Saurus would be pretty awesome...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condor :)
I was going for "South American" and sadly couldn't find any giant macaws/parrots/toucans :(
THREAD I SUMMON THEE! Any examples in how to generally use Swarms effectively? Surely anything that charges a Swarm is likely to crush and...
I like the thought of a second, naked and cheap Slann just using Ethreal and Heavens. Though I'm yet to actually have a game with dual SLann, the...
Here we have some minis I'm excited to be using in my lizardmen force! [attach] Giant snake for a swarm base, vulture for a teradon and a terror...