After having flipped through the tome some time I feel like I've settled on the list below. FoS is kinda CP hungry, but none of the batallions...
Keep in mind most artefacts replace 1 melee profile (like Ghyrstrike), and since the Stegadon has 3 you are likely better off getting one that...
Yeah it modifies the dice roll, not the Bravery characteristic of the unit.
The first part is correct. There is really no debate to be had. In Fangs of Sotek you get to pick a generic command trait unless you have a...
Dead models dont modify the Bravery of a unit, it modifies the dice roll?
See my post above
How are you getting immunity? When doing a battleshock test, you roll a dice and add the number of dead models. You then compare this amount to...
I dont see how that is relevant to a battleshock test. You have 2 numbers and compare them. One cant be modified, the other can still be.
I think many still see summoning in Starborne as a tactic on its own/main way of playing, instead of seeing it as a tool to assist your army. You...
Yeah I think very few specific lists will have lowish drops. Any lists that focus on Skinks are gonna be hard pressed to have below 5 drops (3x...
You are immune to banners, spells etc. that modifies your Bravery. A battleshock test is something different. Your Bravery is 5 - This cant be...
Im imagining the Skinks going all “Aight Im tired of this shit! No more running away! Whos with me boys? Get ‘em!”
Whaaat so you cant even cast an Endless spell through the Trog? Fuck me thats a nail in the coffin for that guy.
Has anyone compared the text for the summoning to what was written in GHB2019?
I was just talking in general. Its not that difficult to get around 10D3 between Kroak + Slann + Cogs/Balewind + Astrolith etc. if its true you...