The effect of the RSE will also heavily vary depending on how you play. Usually we only play with 6 terrain pieces + whatever faction terrain, but...
I would switch the bound balewind for a normal one. Unless you plan to run Drain Magic there is no reason to run a bound one. Might as well have a...
Honestly Im really surprised there were so few answers in our FAQ. I feel like every week I stumble upon some super questionable rules where a FAQ...
Normally, yeah. But if a rule specifically tells you that you must, it is kinda irrelevant. The FAQ certainly makes it kinda iffy and makes the...
Actually it does. It is terrain with a specific terrain rule like many other faction terrain. Gnawholes are effectively just arcane/deadly...
It has a matched play profile in the back of the book, it is just 0 pts cost. On warscroll builder you can also include it in your army. It...
Im pretty sure you dont have a choice if you want to place it on the table or not. Page 62 in the battletome specifically says you must place it...
Pace 62 in our battletome: “When terrain is set up for the battle, any Realmshaper Engine terrain features must be set up by the player whose...
I dont see why a Seraphon opponent cant use your Realmshaper Engine. It is how it works for other mirrormatches like Skaven Gnawholes etc. It is...
Both models can be on the battlefield without any issues. There is no restriction of only 1 Endless spell on the table at a time.
Mate I lost my first 10 matches or so (played Beasts of Chaos) before I started getting just 1 win. Was super demoralizing. Some armies are just...
I mean in general a lot of my ideas and plans are up in the air. I dont even know if a list with both Kroak and Slann is viable or if you are...
Yeah this is a case where an endless spell has been casted in a previous turn. When it is your hero phase, you start by dispelling and then recast...
I'll just echo somewhat what the others above me said. As much as I love the Starseer and Starpriest (the staff is insane), their casting isnt...
Looks and sounds like a cool list - I would be worried about your number of bodies against horde armies. Most competitive Bonesplitterz lists got...
I read that as a definite no. The rule for picking an asterism specifcally says at the start of "your" hero phase, not "in the hero phase"....
I have read this multiple times, but pretty sure it is false. Nowhere in the Malign Sorcery book does it say this, and there is no errata/FAQ to...
How come Geminids is only good turn 1? Even with Arcane Vassal, isnt it kinda rough to get a caster within 10" of the enemy units for Celestial...
Sure the summoning happens after the hero phase, so yeah support heroes wont get to buff until your next hero phase, but I dont see that as...
Gordrakk is generally considered really weak and not worth his points at all. A normal Megaboss on Maw Krusha is much scarier/tougher with the...