A little late rely, but I could certainly see the use in javelins. It will depend on how you use Terradons. On average the Bolas will do more...
As to where it would be ideal to place the Realmshaper Engine, it is really hard to map out, since I dont even know how we'll handle it at my...
As is I would define it as a proxy. This I would happily accept as a Slann or whatever on the other hand....
So I dug a little deeper, and I can't actually find "deployment zone" anywhere in the core rules. I guess as gamers we typically read rules and...
Yeah but Im thinking deepstrike with multiple units - That's imo what Dracothion's Tail is all about tbh. Effectively sandwiching with half your...
Im actually surprised nobody is really talking about Dracothion's Tail with Saurus. Being able to deepstrike with a large unit of Saurus etc....
Im personally not a fan of the blobs of 20 Skinks. I feel like they are too few to deal any real damage and hence threaten objectives, and too...
Cant wait to watch this later! Finally a battle rep that isn't just mass Saurus. Seeing you face off against Fyreslayers, it is hard to read this...
There is a big difference between going Stegageddon, and only fielding maybe 2 Bastiladons and 1 EoTG or whatever. And that is exactly my point....
Thats my impression as well. A lot of people talk about just bringing a bunch of big dinos in a TL list - But it will 100% be a trap. Sure it...
But if he puts those models inside, he likely wont be able to screen the entire footprint, so you can very easily deepstrike it with a bunch of...
But why though? The rules for garrison says specically that you can deploy inside of it at the start of the battle, if the terrain piece is within...
Sure, this is a forum after all which kinda implies discussion - Not just an echo chamber. But for it to make sense, both sides need to be...
It will 100% be taken to tournaments. Anyways, it is a kinda pointless discussion. People that dislike it are obviously welcome to refund their...
Sure, the difference is that we know we will always have this piece on the board, so you can plan and tailor your list around it. Your opponent...
I just meant Im not sure how you will get there in turn 1/2 as Saurus to punish whatever they have garrisoned the Engine with. But yes, even...
This is IMO one of the better ways of showcasing why the Bastiladon is immune to rend in the top bracket. [ATTACH]
IMO people are exaggerating how big of an impact it will have on the game, if the enemy garrisons it. I can understand getting sad if you read the...
Honestly I would urge people to calm a bit down. Yes I totally jumped the gun too and thought the Realmshaper Engine would be completely...
This is now a Skaven forum.