Unless my math is wrong, if you have a Bastiladon at max health with mystic shield/reroll save rolls of 1s with a command ability, the enemy...
Been sleeping on the FAQ (or lack of changes in it) and I have come to terms that the cool terrain zapping MW effect wont ever be relevant at all...
It was getting to the point where you might as well not even bother to roll dice for whatever unit your Rippers made contact with. Archaon, Nagash...
But why wouldnt you just take a Slann over an Oracle? Almost same points, much more potent caster. Trog does zero damage. With the new Slann you...
People should have sent e-mails before the FAQ, not after. Unfortunately I bet very few people bothered to inform them about the issues with the...
Tbh I dont know anyone who didnt think the Ripper Chief would be FAQ’d. Im sure if you thought throwing 1-2 CPs at him to generate extra hits...
It is a bit too late to send questions. They usually never make a secondary FAQ. It happened with Tzeentch because so many people argued the...
See the picture I linked, it is alot more
Honestly I refused to believe they would let the rules be as-is, hence I put it together and started painting it. If it was still in box, I would...
Honestly if we could plop it down after having picked sides, we could ping enemy faction terrain every turn for a 4+ (within 36") to do D3 MW. If...
If you map it out turn by turn, the issue with placing it in the middle etc. is that it will simply take too long to get inside. You have to run a...
@RandomTsar Im thinking hard trying to come up with a way how the Realmshaper Engine can be beneficial for us. You cant even move units ontop of...
You cast Balewind Vortex turn 1. Turn 2 comes around and your Slann/Kroak casts Drain Magic - You put the guy wholly within 6" of the Balewind...
If you put it miles away from anything else, you are likely looking at having to roll a 6+ for a D3 MW output to units around a single piece of...
You could use it against some armies to screw with their deployment I guess. My problem with deploying the Realmshaper anywhere but in your...
I mean it depends on how you play. If you play according to GHB2019 where you can bring a piece of Arcane Ruins terrain, I can totally see it...
Im fine with every change/clarification and they were rather predictable tbh. Im just sad they didnt make comments or a designers note on the...
Im extremely sad about their lack of comments in regards to the Realmshaper Engine. Zero mention, nothing. Imo it would have been somewhat OK if...
I would suggest that you build your list with https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ It is really easy once you have played around...
Keep in mind Kroak is a named hero, so you cant give him command traits or artefacts.